
“Pongyi Cafe” is an online cafe which is held for only 30 min. every Sunday night.
We enjoyed talking a lot last time (Jan. 9.)
Thank you for joining us !
Pongyi is going to open Pongyi Cafe tomorrow (Jan. 16) as well, but I would like to share the last time Pongyi Cafe with you♪
12 people participated on Jan. 9.
They joined from various places of Japan, Hong Kong and Switzerland.
I met some people for the first time in a while.
I am really happy to see the participants 2022, too !
Well… I wrote about our New Year holidays in the precious article.
About 1 week passed…
“How was your New Year holidays ?”
First, H-san.
H-san lives in Hyogo prefecture.
He likes running and is very active.
He climbed Mt. Rokko (mountains near Kobe) from early morning of Jan. 1 and showed us some pictures.
There was snow because it started to snow on Dec. 31 last year !
* Usually, there is little snow in Hyogo prefecture, so it was rare to see snow for him.

Little snow man is so cute !
Well prepared with spiked shoes.

“There were more people than I expected. “
H-san said.
He told us that he met a mother and a daughter who got lost on the way and went to top of the mountain with them while guiding.

He finished running…no, climbing on Jan. 1 !
Good job, H-san !
I hope he will enjoy doing some sports this year as well !
Y-san from Chiba prefecture showed us some pictures of snow.
It is very rare to see snow in Kanto (near Tokyo area) !

Woow !
Everything is covered with snow !
The sea looks very cold…
However, the next day…

Sunny !
Almost no snow there.
I can’t believe it..
Again !
Foggy and white world !

Next day…

The sunlight is dazzling !
” It is very comfortable to live here because the temperature is almost stable throughout the year. “
Y-san said.
The snow melt in only 1 day.
It must be warm as she says… I can easily imagine how comfortable it is !
The calm sea and the sunshine, perfect !
It is completely different from the weather of Kanazawa.
K-san (lives in Kanagawa prefecture) also showed us a picture of Mt. Fuji.

Beautiful scenery from her apartment !
Blue sky and Mt. Fuji with snow !
It is wonderful that she can see this scenery from her house.
S-san from Hokkaido said,
“The snow in front of my house is as tall as my height !”
G-san from Hong Kong said,
“It is nice temperature here, around 20 degree.”
S-san who joined from Switzerland showed us her town in real time (it was afternoon in Switzerland.)
“There is no snow near my house, but there is little snow on the hill.”
She sent me pictures after the cafe.

The lake is so beautiful !
The snow is still remaining on the slope of the mountains.

I feel as if the clear air in Switzerland flows to here.
I thought there is much more snow in Switzerland than in Japan, but it looks it depends on place.
It seems we can enjoy taking a walk even in winter ♪
Thank you for sending me the pictures !
I felt I could actually go to each place.
It was fun to share the pictures and compare like this.
Let’s do this again ~♪
Next Pongyi Cafe is on Jan. 16.
The details and application of Pongyi Cafe is from here.
We hope you will have a relaxed talking time on Sunday.
See you in Pongyi Cafe♪