
Pongyi Cafe ♪ <Sep. 12>

Hi, this is Nina.


Pongyi Cafe has finished last night.

Thank you for your participation.

8 people joined online, 2 people joined from Pongyi so 11 people in total including me.

O-san joined the Cafe for the first time for a few months.

She has just finished an important exam and could finaly make time for the Pongyi Cafe.

I was glad I got to see her ♪

By the way, O-san has been accepting many international syudents from all over the world for many years.

She told us that she is going to accept a high school student from India in the end of October.

The program she uses this time is "The Asia Kakehashi Project".

* "Kakehashi" is "bridging" in English.

This is a Japanese government sponsored program.

This program provides full scholarships for Asian high school students to live and study in Japan.

1000 students will be invited to Japan in 5 years since 2017.

The Asia Kakehashi Project


The Indian boy O-san will accept was going to come to Japan in March and to stay for about a year, but it was changed to October due to the influence of the coronavirus.

He cannot change the end of his stay, so his stay will be only 4 months.

I hope he will have fulfilling experiences and memories in Japan.


We talked about the extension of "Declaration of State of Emergency" and "Priority Preventive Measures" of the COVID 19.

Many prefectures decided to extend the period of them a few days before the Pongyi Cafe.

Ishikawa, Hokkaido, Hyogo, Osaka and Chiba...

More than half of the participants were living in the areas under those emergency   and measures.

*Quated from the website of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

... I think we need Pongyi Cafe (online talk) for a while longer.

We enjoed a lot this time, too.

Thank you very much !

We are going to open Pongyi Cafe next week, too.

If you have time, please join us ♪

How to join the Pongyi Cafe → Here

Have a wonderful evening/night/day !
